Blood bowl orcs
Blood bowl orcs

blood bowl orcs

From then on it's fairly standard Orc play. They fail the second, reroll and fail again ending the blitz with a prone gutter runner in the space adjacent to the ball. Gutter runner dashes through my wide zone right on the pitch edge, makes 3 dodges (2 into tackle zones) and tries to go for it twice to get the ball.

blood bowl orcs

Ball kicked lands deep and close to a touchline and kick off event gives them a blitz.

blood bowl orcs

I have my thrower and two blitzers deep in my half to get the ball and start forming their cage, black orcs on the line of scrimmage and linemen+blitzers in my wide zones. Second half, Orcs receive, Skaven deploy to minimise the number of guys on the line of scrimmage and instead stack the wide zones with gutter runners and have the rest of their team behind the line of scrimmage one square. Orcs then receive and spend 2 turns passing with the thrower to a random lineorc for 2SPP. Rest of the first half I hold a defensive line with a set of columns across the pitch and spend most of it bashing rats and getting shoved about in return until an attempt in Skaven turn 7 by a gutter runner with a hand off, short pass and then 3 dodges (2 into tackle zones) and 2 go for its gets a score for the Skaven evening things up for the start of the second half 1-1. This same lineman will also later in the second half get another 'dead and injured' result to put them on 5SPP. Orc turn 2 has some general bashing going on (blitzer sends one gutter runner to the dead and injured box but apothecary saves them) before as my last action (as it seemed riskiest) the lineorc that was marking the Skaven Thrower waddles up and picks up the ball then runs for the endzone, 'goes for it' again and scores. Except remember how this is the unluckiest thrower? They fail the dodge, fail the reroll and fall flat turning over on the spot.

#Blood bowl orcs free#

Skaven turn 2 has their team either in a scrum in the middle with black orcs and thus not really able to get free to clear the deep gutter runners of marking players without too many dodge rolls so they go for dodging the thrower free, running to the line and throwing long to a marked runner and then running in to score. They had gutter runner receivers in my half, all marked and one knocked down by a blitzer. Their line of scrimmage deployed to minimise the number of my guys able to hit them so a lineman ended up unmarked and they 'went for it' to mark the Skaven Thrower at the end of my turn 1. Much bad luck was seen by the Skaven Thrower who failed to catch a high kick then, later in their first turn, failed to pick up the ball. and walked away with 3 players at 5SPP and 1 with 2SPP. Round one went pretty well, faced off against Skaven and won that 2-1.

Blood bowl orcs